Companies covet well-rounded employees – those who can communicate effectively and write well, but also navigate technology and demonstrate business acumen. In particular, young people looking for their first jobs benefit from having a broad range of aptitudes, so the challenge is being both skilled and well rounded at the same time.

"The more entry-level a job is, the more likely it is that employers will be able to choose from multiple, highly qualified candidates," says Steven Rothberg, president and founder of

Whether your major is humanities-based or STEM (science, technology, engineering or mathematics), it's important to take college courses that strengthen your weak areas, notes John Kniering, director of career services at the University of Hartford.

"There are two fairly universal themes that emerge in those cases where a student resume does not meet employer expectations," he says. "The first is, ‘this student has not mastered the art of language,' and the second is, ‘this student is not conversant with the world of science and technology.'"

Based on feedback from both college career counselors and recruiting experts, here are six courses every college student should take:

1. Literature or English composition

Maybe it's because most universities require all students to take such a course, or maybe it's just that important, but everyone who weighed in mentioned this as a non-negotiable. Good communication and writing skills are critical in any environment where you're working with others to get things done – in other words, all jobs. And it won't just help in the office. Getting a foot in the door for interviews most often comes down to a written resume and cover letter.

2. Public speaking or debate

Similarly, demonstrating poise and eloquence in brainstorming sessions, meetings or conferences and presentations can quickly make any recent graduate a commodity. "Every college and university graduate should successfully complete at least a few classes in topics such as writing, debate, speech, public speaking, communication, 20th century literature, and more," Rothberg says. "They need these classes to obtain and enhance their communication skills but also be able to concretely demonstrate these skills to potential employers."

3. Computer science

"Hirers are increasingly looking to the new generation for help with online marketing, social media savvy and technological expertise," says Dr. Sally Mounts, president of the management consulting firm Auctus Consulting Group. "Even if you majored in Art History, you should still be able to show a prospective employer that you know the technology basics." In addition, almost every job requires some degree of computer literacy.

4. Finance and accounting

Money makes the business world go round, so a basic understanding of finance and accounting is a major plus on a resume. From a broader perspective, these courses hone quantitative reasoning abilities.

5. Economics

And about those quantitative reasoning abilities, economics will also help. Dr. Kevin Burns, director of the undergraduate business career center at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, recommends macroeconomics. "Literally, any person in any position after college will benefit from a basic understanding of the laws of supply and demand," he says. "The ability to understand the world in this way provides candidates with a realistic view of the foundation for all business and business processes, regardless of the industry."

6. International studies

In today's business environment, understanding other cultures and being able to look at projects on a global scale doesn't just give you a leg up on entry-level applications – it may also be important to your future with a company. Webster University in St. Louis has recently re-vamped its undergraduate curriculum into the Global Citizenship Program, designed to give students the "skills necessary to compete in an increasingly competitive global environment." It's meant to encompass aptitudes that students rarely major in at the university and prepare them for any job, possibly even one that doesn't exist yet.

Showcasing your skills

Of course, it's not enough to just take these courses. Employers have to know that even though your degree is in engineering, you're skilled in public speaking.

"I'm particularly fond of the "Relevant Coursework" section on a resume," Layson of Kenyon College says. "This appears as a sub-section under education and is particularly useful for students who have not done any internships or worked during their education."

He also recommends seeking internship experience for any field you'd like to go into after graduation to gain additional skills, particularly if you're getting a liberal arts education, which doesn't provide training for a specific industry.

Another over-arching theme of the responses was that it's not necessary to worry if your chosen major doesn't feed directly into a particular career path.

"Employers are looking more for generalists than specialists and one of the reasons is the rapid pace of innovation in today's economy," says Rothberg of College "Employers that gain and lose employees regularly also need to shift work responsibilities around. Those who have the skills to adapt and take on new responsibilities are more likely to be retained even in times of layoffs and can help employers charge into growth opportunities."